Just making sure we are on the same page.
The reports prepared by the Company are intended as an independent, fair and accurate record of the décor, fixtures and fittings and furniture which compose the internal content of the property, the condition of these items and the internal condition of the property. The report enables items to be visually identified only; no attempt will be made to ascertain the original manufacturer or period in which an item was produced. The report is no guarantee of the adequacy, or safety of all/any furniture, equipment and contents, merely a record that they exist in the property and the time the report is carried out.
1 For any reports produced
1.1 Item description
The staff member preparing a report is not an expert on fabrics, materials, antiques etc. or a qualified surveyor.
All the colours within the report are to mean description of colour only and not that of any metals.
No attempt will be made to place monetary value on the property or its contents, or to determine whether an item is genuine or reproduction. Any report provided by the Company should under no circumstances be used as a structural survey report.
Items left in inaccessible places, lofts, cellars or in any areas behind locked doors will not be listed and/or inspected and are the sole responsibility of the instructing customer.
1.2 Large items and perishables
We will not undertake to move heavy, large, awkward and/or valuable items of furniture.
Mattresses will be inspected when possible and where accessible.
Any plants, cleaning materials, food and drink goods, and spare light bulbs are considered perishable items and will not be listed with complete accuracy on a report. We will not undertake to list any large number of books, CD’s and/or DVD’s individually either.
1.3 Electricals power check
We attempt to test electrical appliances for power only and only when practical and safe to do so. All electrical items are deemed complete with fixings (plugs, flexes etc) unless otherwise stated.
1.4 Utility Meters
Utility meter readings will be read and noted for an inventory and/or at check-in and check-out. It is the clients and/or instructing principle on behalf of the client responsibility to inform clearly about the location of any such utility meters and guarantee access when premises are known to be locked.
If unaware of, unable to locate or has unreasonable access to meters, the meters may remain unread.
We reserve the right to refuse to return to a property at a later stage on behalf of the client and/or instructing principle to read the utility meters.
1.5 Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide detectors
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms whether battery or mains operated will be button tested for sound only and mains operated alarms will be visually checked for a green/red light.
A recommendation will be made by the Clerk in respect of any alarm that is not in working order at the time of the visit.
The Clerk will also make a recommendation for any additional alarms that are required to meet with current legislation.
The Clerk will not supply or fit any smoke or carbon monoxide alarms or replace any batteries.
The Company will not accept any responsibility for subsequent loss or injury where any recommendations were not followed up either before the property is let out or during the tenancy, nor will we accept any responsibility for not recording whether a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm is in working order at the time of the visit.
1.6 Miscellaneous
Intruder alarms whether listed or not will be considered untested.
Floor coverings, rugs and carpets will be inspected to the extent that they are sufficiently clean and any defects noted, provided they are accessible and not obscured.
We will not accept responsibility for any lost or unaccounted keys, unless we were instructed to collect and/or hand them over.
1.7 Safety disclaimer
The instructing customer and/or client are responsible for the security, heating, and plumbing and meter usage of the property both pre and post the completion of our scheduled inspection.
1.8 Compliance
The Inventory may state when an item of furniture has been seen to have a label advising that it complies with Furniture and Furnishings (Fire and Safety) Regulation 1988, as amended 1993. It should not be assumed that other items not stated comply with this regulation.
Compliance with the relevant UK Fire Regulations is the responsibility of the Client not the Company.
It is recommended that all bedding, soft furnishing or any item which is filled/padded be checked by the Client to ensure that they comply with current regulations.
Regulations on furniture purchased in foreign countries may not meet the UK standards. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that all items adhere to relevant current UK regulations.
2 For Check In and Check Outs
2.1 Introduction
The Check In or Check Out are ‘Comparison report’ and will only list any change/s compared to the original inventory.
Any items not listed in the Check In/Out report will be considered to be in the same condition as noted to the inventory.
A full check In/Out against an inventory can only be provided if the original inventory is made available in digital or printed format.
2.2 Liabilities​
We will not accept responsibility or liability for poor or incomplete original inventories and can only comment against information provided.
Where an inventory has not been previously compiled by the Company and/or where the Client does not provide an inventory, we will complete a general Schedule of Condition and Cleanliness report supported by photographs which will provide a summarised overview of the property. The Clerk will not assign any responsibility nor liability in this circumstance as there will be no evidence of the original condition of the property, contents and fixtures.
We cannot be held liable for any financial loss suffered by a landlord whereby we have carried out a Check Out report on a poor quality inventory report compiled by an alternative inventory company or by the landlord or where no inventory has been created. We are only able to comment on items listed in the original inventory or evidenced in clear photographs embedded to the inventory.
2.3 Timelapse between inspections
It has to be accepted that any time lapse between the completion of the inventory report and the check-in and/or check-out and subsequent check-in, cannot be independently verified by the Company. It has to be acknowledged that some alterations (any amount of damage, items removed or added) to the property may occur within this period.
2.4 Assigning tenant/landlord liabilities
Where appropriate and agreed in the Client Service Level Agreement, the Company will assign responsibility to either the landlord or tenant, however where the responsibility is not clear for whatever reason, our staff will refer the issue to either the Landlord or Agent for determination.
2.5 Miscellaneous
Where the tenant is present at the Check Out, the Clerk will record and photograph all door keys returned by the tenant.
It is not the responsibility of the Company to switch off any accessible electrical appliances and we will accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by any appliances on site.
It is important to note that any contents must be situated in the property as specified in the report upon termination of the tenancy. Failure to do so may result in delay on appointment.
3 For Snag and de-snag reports
​3.1 Description
We provide newly built home snagging inspections to the best of our ability, to ensure that we find every defect and/or flaw in the property.
Any problems or issues flagged within the final snagging survey report, then become the responsibility of the developer to rectify, prior to your moving in or very shortly thereafter.
We are here to help you every step of the way to bring the property up to the level of set expectations.
3.2 Liabilities​
Our services can vary in time drastically depending on several factors such as house Size, quality, age etc. Under no circumstances does the number of snagging items picked up, nor the time taken to pick them up affect the price paid.
If the service takes less time or the amount of snags is less than anticipated we will not be held responsible and shall not issue any sort of refund relating to this matter.
We accepts no responsibility for any defects or issues that are overlooked or misrepresented.
We are not licensed or certified as an electrical or plumbing company, we do carry out basic checks on the electrical sockets and heating systems; we will not to be held accountable past this point or responsibility. We also add that this is not a structural survey and we are not responsible for any inaccuracies.
If your home builder refuses to repair any defects, we will advise you on how to approach the builder. However, this is done out of kindness, and our service is based on a snagging inspection and report. We are not liable if your builder refuses to correct any defects.
3.3 De-snag inspections
The de-snag inspection acts as a separate service to which an inspector will check the workmanship for the items on the previous report. They will not be looking for additional items just the ones on the original snagging report.
The de-snag inspection will only be booked after a snagging inspection was carried out.
Where possible the de-snag will be completed by the inspector who carried out the original inspection. However, this is not always possible for a range of possible factors. Therefore, it is common that a different inspector will conduct the de-snag inspection.
If for whatever reason you do not go ahead with the De-snag inspection, we will not be liable to complete any full refunds of any kind.
Where can I get further information?
If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at: